I’m sure the question of “when will I quit my job and do other stuff that really interests me” crosses the mind of the majority of us corporate slaves. It crossed my mind too, many many times.
So, when will it be for me?
Four months ago I left the company where I’d been working for 6 years to take on a bigger role at another company. It was quite a big decision for me because I never really saw myself taking a managerial role. People has never been my strong suit. I simply don’t care that much about others. And for that reason, I had no interest in climbing the corporate ladder.
But I was in a place where I felt that I was not giving myself enough challenge. Everything got too easy and I was simply bored. I knew things had to change when I started to feel sleepy at 4 PM everyday due to lack of stimulation. I asked for more tasks, but unfortunately, in this country, we simply must take a managerial role if we want to move further. There is no path for specialists. Not in my line of work anyway.
The choice for me was either going freelance or move up the ladder. I had tried freelancing before. It was fun and I might go back to doing that when push comes to shove. But at the moment I like going to an office and work with people and be a part of a team. Or a more honest reason would be: I’ve just bought a car on installment therefore a steady monthly income will come handy. So I chose the latter. I accepted this post at this company.
I thought it was going to be tough, new role at a new environment and all, but it turns out to be okay. I’m adapting well and I’m having a good time. It helps that my team consists of a bunch of crazy people who don’t take themselves seriously and laugh about virtually everything.
Here’s what our typical working day looks like:
So, back to the question: when will I quit being a corporate slave and work on something that is more nourishing for my soul?
Maybe tomorrow, maybe never. I don’t love or hate this job enough to have a serious thought over it. I like that it occupies my time - the time I’d otherwise waste on unwise things like being unconscious – in a fun way. I like being around the people, sometimes they inspire me to do stuff. Besides, I wouldn’t know what to do when I’m not working. I don’t have any great ideas for a novel or a film, I have no talents in arts and crafts, I have no business sense whatsoever and I don’t have a freaking clue about investing. So I guess I will be doing this until some publication somewhere is crazy enough to give me my own Carrie Bradshaw-esque column where I can impart my non wisdom to a paying public on a weekly basis and spend the other six days lazing around sipping vodka tonic.
Until then, you can find me at my desk, like always.