But, there is one occasion where I wish I was one of those rich people. It doesn’t have to be Paris Hilton rich. Local celebrity or even president director rich is enough.
It happened in the beginning of this year. I was presented with a big dilemma. Now, don’t get too excited. This is my life we’re talking about and my life is frivolous. So of course my dilemma is somewhat frivolous as well.
Two of my favorite bands, The Killers and Muse were going to have concerts in Singapore and their concerts were only ten days apart. With my kind of income, I could only afford to go to one concert. Well technically I could afford both, but it would put a dent in my savings. Three years ago I wouldn’t have cared about dents in my savings but now I do. I’m older. I’m getting more and more boring and safe.
So anyway, after much tossing and turning at night, I chose The Killers. My consideration was that Muse does Asian concerts more than The Killers, so I might be able to catch Muse the next two years or so, whereas that might not be the case for The Killers. I was pretty sure I did the wisest thing and made the right choice. I bought the most expensive tickets for the concert, I booked the flight and the hotel in Singapore. I was ready to meet Brandon Flowers up close and personal.
But as luck would have it, The Killers freaking cancelled their Asia-Australia tour one day before I was supposed to fly to Singapore. I was beyond pissed. Had I known they were not serious about having this concert I would’ve chosen to see Muse instead! What a bunch of flaky bastards! Now, Sistic Singapore was going to refund the ticket money of course but I had to wait for about 2 weeks. Also, because I bought budget airlines tickets of course they can’t be cancelled. So I lost quite a bit of money, the money that could very well be used to buy Muse tickets. But of course by that time Muse tickets were already sold out.
That was the time when I wish I was rich. Rich enough to buy tickets to see both concerts. Rich enough to fly to Singapore back and forth in the interval of 10 days, or rich enough to afford staying in a Singapore hotel for ten days if I want to avoid flying back and forth. Rich enough to spend money on truly unimportant things like going to see my favorite bands whenever I feel like it.
People have turning points in their lives. I guess that was some kind of turning point in my life. The moment when I truly understand the power of cash. So that when life gives me lemon, I could go buy a bottle of tequila to drink it with instead of just making some lame tasting lemonade.
Oh and P.S to Brandon Flowers, if one day you are unfortunate enough to read this post, if the reason The Killers cancelled the Asian tour is because you guys are splitting up because you just had a baby and what not, I can only tell you that you need to learn a lot from Keith Richards. Women, marriages, affairs, babies, drug problems, depressions, nothing could slow him down. That’s why he’s still up there, partying and being the rock star that he truly is and you… well where are you now? Your solo album has better be something otherwise I would have to cancel my infatuation of you.
In my opinion, rock stars gone soft are worse than boy bands gone rough.
So there.

The Killers cancelled the shows because Brandon Flowers mother was very ill and died