Today is Indonesian's mother day. It has been a mother's day since as long as I remember and nobody seems to mind.
That is until twitter came along.
I don't know how it is in other countries since I don't follow people I don't know on twitter, but Indonesians love to give an elaborate lecture on twitter. The topic varies and I usually don't pay any attention to them. I'm never one to listen to any kind of lecture so I usually just scroll up and won't bother to read them.
Today, naturally, the lecture was about mother's day. Someone posted that according to history, today was the day of first women's congress in Indonesia which happened in 1928, therefore is more appropriate to declare today as women's day rather than mother's day.
I'm not sure how the day shifted to being celebrated as mother's day. Most probably because we commemorate women's day on April 21, the birthday of Kartini, a prominent figure in Indonesian women's rights. Two women's days in a year is a bit too much isn't it? So I think it's logical to celebrate one as women's day and one as mother's day.
It's always good to learn something new. And it's good to know the story behind something. I thank the person who posted this because this is new information to me.
But as we know, twitter is full of smartass.
Soon there were tweets from people who want to straighten this fact. Those are the people who went: let's not continue this mistake. Let's celebrate today as women's day and not mother's day.
That's when I get tired.
I mean, is that really necessary?
Mother's day, women's day... how is it going to make any difference to us? On those days we still get up in the morning and do our things.
So by stressing the point that today is women's day rather than mother's day we shouldn't call our mothers? Or what?
I am not a mother nor do I have any intention to be one. I'm 37, childless, and plan to remain that way. But I have a mother and I love her and I like dedicating one day for her.
Most women are mothers anyway and almost every woman is willing to be a mother. In fact, every time I tell people that I choose not to have children, I tend to get raised eyebrows.
So what's the deal about straightening the fact that is not that important to begin with?
We just need to be informed on the history behind it, just like we are informed on the history behind Valentine's day or Santa Claus. And leave it at that.
Mother's day does not diminish the value of women's day one bit.
In fact, many great women I know are mothers.
And what does it matter if today is mother's day or not? It's not even a public holiday!
I can even declare October 4 as daughter's day. Or January 5 as wife's day. Who cares? For me, the more days we can celebrate, the better. Don't be a party pooper!
So now I raise my glass to celebrate this mother's day. I hope you raise yours too.
Here's to kickass mommas everywhere!
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